Stainton Whinstone Quarry

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A BGS photo from 1975 shows the quarry faces still visible and a general mess.

The quarry now is virtually unrecognisable as its has been landscaped and converted into parkland.

Stainton Whinstone Quarry Stainton Whinstone Quarry

Stainton Whinstone Quarry 

One possible remnant is a cairn of stones erected by the entrance, to my non-geologist eyes the majority looks like sandstone, but I think the larger grey block could be whinstone.

Stainton Whinstone Quarry Stainton Whinstone Quarry 



2 thoughts on “Stainton Whinstone Quarry

  1. The entire area is now a very attractive nature reserve, i have now found and re aranged into i hope interesting features some large whinstone boulders, all of which attract a small magnet, they can be found to the right as you enter the plantation.

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