Stench Pipe, Brooksbank Avenue, Redcar

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Its always a happy day when someone brings a new stench pipe in your home town to your attention (well it is for me anyway). This excellent example even stands on its own mini-roundabout.
Stench Pipe, Brooksbank Avenue Redcar
This brings the count to 10 in Redcar, although I feel there must still be more hiding in plain sight.
Stench Pipe, Brooksbank Avenue Redcar

4 thoughts on “Stench Pipe, Brooksbank Avenue, Redcar

  1. Hi there,not sure if you already no this,but theres a stench pipe on the seafront in saltburn,it is along the seafront away from the pier on the lefthand side, as you go up the steps on the left.Hope this is any good for you.

  2. How about the cut-off one at end of the alley between Dene Grove and Muriel Street – near the railway line, behind the Workingmens Club

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