Monks Walk, Guisborough Priory

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This area of the priory is not normally open to the public, but I managed to visit on a Heritage Open Day. The oval avenue of lime trees shows up well on the aerial photos.
Guisborough Priory Monks Walk

One area also contains a large amount of stonework recovered from the priory
Guisborough Priory Monks Walk Stonework
Guisborough Priory Monks Walk Stonework
Guisborough Priory Monks Walk Stonework
Guisborough Priory Monks Walk Stonework

Even though this area is not generally open, theres plenty more to see.
Guisborough Priory Gatehouse
Guisborough Priory Dovecot
Guisborough Priory
Guisborough Priory Tomb

More details on the Guisborough Priory Project website

Sparrow Lane Bridge, Guisborough

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Sparrow Lane followed the line of what is now Pytchley Road, with the bridge passing under the dismanted Guisborough and Brotton railway line.
Buiried Sparrow Lane Bridge, Guisborough
The North-West edge of the bridge appears to be present in the undergrowth, with an arch visible just under ground, the top row of stone poke out just below the level of the adjacent path.
Buiried Sparrow Lane Bridge, Guisborough
More stonework is visible at the top of steps on the south side, although the main area on the south is currently inaccessible due to thick undergrowth.
Buiried Sparrow Lane Bridge, Guisborough
I would guess the bridge was filled-in when estate to the south was built.

Skelton Shaft Mine Guibal Fanhouse

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Skelton mine was located above what is now Waterfall Farm near Guisborough, a very busy area for mines being only a short distance from Skelton Park, Spa Wood,  Tocketts, South Skelton and Aysdalegate.
Skelton Shaft, Ironstone Mine Guibal Fanhouse
Skelton Shaft, Ironstone Mine Guibal Fanhouse 2

The void where the fan stood is accessible through a very tight squeeze on the eastern wall, or by scaling the western wall.

Skelton Shaft, Ironstone Mine Guibal Fanhouse 3
Skelton Shaft, Ironstone Mine Guibal Fanhouse 4

The top of the filled shaft is visible as a ring of bricks just to the south of the fan house.