Redcar Boer War Memorial

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What looks like a normal gravestone is actually a memorial to Redcar soldiers killed in the Boer War. Corporal Wilson Wiles wounded at Paadeburg (this is spelt incorrectly on the stone it should be Paardeberg) died 5 months later in hospital.
Redcar Boer War Memorial
Privates Hardy and Wilkinson who were killed at Paardeberg and Outhwaite who died of ‘enteric’ which we would now know as typhoid.
The memorial was recently restored by the Friends of Redcar Cemetery.

pic gazette
A sketch exists if the newspaper of the time, although it should noted it says he was the fifth Redcar soldier to be killed, so someone is missing from the memorial (the name on the side is from 1940 presumably Wiles brother)

Possibly this Private Hodgson hodgeson

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