The radar station was constructed in 1941 as part of the Coastal Defence/Chain Home Low early warning system. It was designated site M47 and the original radar was mounted on top of the semi-circular transmitter and receiving hut as shown in the illustration.
The site was later upgraded to be part of the Chain Home Extra Low system and was redesignated K47, with a new Transmitter and Receiving block.
There are two smaller buildings, one of which housed a generator and the other a fuel store.
At the other end of the field near the old railway, the bases of several accommodation blocks can be see, but none of the structure remains.
Ravenscar Radar Station

The buildings to the south of the site are remains of a cement works. On the hill top a little further to the south there was a search light and I think a ak ak gun which did shoot down one two seater german plane. Hope this helps