Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough

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Park Presbyterian Church was built in 1923.
Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
Its first minister was John N. Reid.
Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
A number of other dedication stones exist, all from September 26th 1923.
Councillor W.A. Allan of Newcastle
W A Allan, Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
Sir Robert A Bartram of Sunderland who owned the ship builders Bartram & Sons
Sir Robert A Bartram, Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
Councillor S.A. Sadler Mayor of Middlesbrough, this is Stanley Sadler the son of Sir Samuel Sadler
Samuel Sadler,  Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough
Its now used by Seventh Day Adventists.

2 thoughts on “Park Presbyterian Church 1923, Middlesbrough

  1. im just looking through old family papers and found my grandparents marriage certificate. they were married here by john reid in 1927.

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