The Lady of Bilsdale is mentioned in Tom Scott Burns 1993 book “Cleveland Hills” where it is described as the ‘enigmatic face of a lady carved on a rock wall who gazes eternally down into Bilsdale’.

I have been unable to find any other references to the carvings existence, so the phrase ‘enigmatic’ is certainly true. For those unable to access the remote sandstone quarry above Hasty Bank I have made a 3D scan of the carving.
ohhh eerrr never heard of her…very odd…perhaps
you should send it in to Northern Earth Mysteries – hebden bridge? if the magazine is still going…they would love this!
Hope you do not meet her on a dark night!
I’ve known about this for decades but didn’t know it had a name.????
Is it a Lady or a long haired Bloke…!?! Difficult to see but nowadays even more difficult to mention…!!!
A new one for me. Terrifying!
Looks like the guy from a packet of Quaker Oats!!!
Joking aside, the Quakers had a presence in the area..