Site of the bombed Zetland Club, Redcar

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The Zetland Club was hit by a bomb on 21st October 1941. Amongst the 15 killed were the mayor, councillors and a doctor. Zetland Club Redcar Plaque
Alderman Charles Harris J.P.
Frank Bainbridge. (Builder)
John C.D. Barnett. (School Master)
William Crozier. (Bank Manager)
Mabel Fletcher. (Club Stewardess)
Charles H. Goodwin. (Optician)
Arthur Pickering J.P. (Chairman of the local magistrates)
Matthew Ranson (Retired School Master)
Doris R. Rigby. (Club Maid)
Dr. Alfred S. Robinson.
Joseph Roebuck. (Councillor)
William J. Smallwood. (Company Commercial Manger)
Doris Walton.
Harold Watson.
Marion Watson.
Zetland Club Redcar Plaque
The garden of rememberance also has plaques for those lost at sea and Dunkirk.
Zetland Club Redcar

Kilton Ironstone Mine

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The shale heap is visible from miles around and a number of building survive on the ground.

Kilton Ironstone Mine 1
Kilton Ironstone Mine 4
Kilton Ironstone Mine 9
Kilton Ironstone Mine 8
Kilton Ironstone Mine 5
Although one building, possible a workshop is in danger of complete collapse.
Kilton Ironstone Mine 3
The winder house is much more sturdy as its built from reinforced concrete, although in recent years the steps pictured have collapsed
Kilton Ironstone Mine 2
The capped 694ft shaft is also visible
Kilton Ironstone Mine Shaft
In the side of a small shale heap is a small tunnel, perhaps some kind of shelter or storage area as this isnt a drift mine.
Kilton Ironstone Mine 6
Kilton Ironstone Mine 7
Away in the woods to the east is a small building, I initially though it may be a powder magazine but its not very sturdy and a 1950s map shows a meter house for the Cleveland Water Company in this area.
Kilton Ironstone Mine Water Meter House 2
Kilton Ironstone Mine Water Meter House 1