Captain John Bell was transporting coal on the SS Thordis off Beachy Head on February 28th 1915 when his boat was attacked by a German submarine.

With his unarmed ship he managed to ram the periscope and became the first to sink a U-boat, the captain and his crew were given a total reward of £860, the equivalent of £75,000 today.

His Distinguished Service Order medal and engraved watch came up for action in 2013.
This grave has also been restored by Friends of Redcar Cemetery, their Chairman Ged Fleming add :-
The monies needed for the refurbishment of Capt Bell’s memorial was provided by a Nationwide collection through the Merchant Navy Association by a Stockton member Billy McGee.We recommended a stone mason and arranged for a dedication service attended by Capt Bell’s family.One of the family brought a bottle of beer which rested against the stone for three year before it disappeared