This foundation stone was laid by Ald. Isaac Fidler. Mayor of Middlesbrough 24 October 1883. G.G. Hoskins F.R.I.B.A Architect. E. Atkinson. Contractor

Isaac Fidler was 28th Mayor and appears to have been a stonemason. A capsule exists under the foundation which contains a map of the town, corporation year book, coins, newspapers and a copy of Middlesbrough and Its Jubilee .
The ballfinial stone on the spire of the tower of these buildings was fixed by councillor Thomas Sanderson, Mayor of Middlesbrough, 29 December 1887. G.G. Hoskins F.R.I.B.A Architect. E. Atkinson. Contractor

Thomas Sanderson was 33rd Mayor.
This town hall and municipal buildings were opened by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales 23rd January 1889. Raylton Dixon Esq J.P.D.L. Mayor. George Bainbridge Esq, Town Clerk. G.G. Hoskins Esq F.R.I.B.A Architect.

The Prince and Princess of Wales in 1889 became King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in 1901. Raylton Dixon was a shipbuilder and 34th Mayor of Middlesbrough.