Very easy to locate due to the small waterfall just to the north of the only path in the area.
Nearest to the path is a sizeable chamber thats big enough to crawl around inside.

Theres a lot of what i’m assuming to be jet in the walls of this area.

Slightly further towards the waterfall is another open area that would require crawling on the stomach, again vein of jet are visible on the sides. The second shot is HDR to try and bring out some details.
After a third hole which is only big enough to stick your head in, theres the largest open area behind the waterfall
Its extremely muddy inside but almost high enough to stand in places, there an area which goes off to the left.

With a second area going deeper and to the right, again lots of jet in the walls.

A good amount of light comes in from outside although due to flat torch batteries (doh) we had to return to the entrance rather than going deeper.